Cloud Computing - A One Stop for all necessities!
Cloud Computing - Understanding its core Gone are days when people used to maintain a diary with everyone’s contact number in it. When people used to print out photographs from a reel. When information could only be saved in a notebook. We’re living in the 21 st a century where we not only occupy a physical presence but also a virtual one. We all have smartphones with cameras and a million pictures. We don’t have to remember any contact numbers; we can simply save them on our phones. No need to buy hard copies of books as kindle editions and pdfs are available in plenty. So with the soft copy of almost everything available, the question is where to store it and how to manage it. Just like hardcopies occupy a physical space, soft copies of anything also need storage space. Maintaining digital data not only requires storage space but also servers, databases, soft wares, networks, analytics, and intelligence. CLOUD COMPUTING is the one-stop for all these ends to m...