IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY - How it has influenced our lives
How technology has influenced our lives
Technology comes from the Greek words “techne” meaning art, skill, craft, way, manner, or means by which things are gained and “logos” meaning expression. It literally translates to the expression of skill, art, manner, science, etc.
Today, believing that technology doesn’t play an important role in improving our day to day lives will be a foolish statement. The scope of technology is unimaginable. We think we’ve come so far and ahead with the help of technology but, intriguingly, we’ve just scratched the surface and the possibilities are infinite and unlimited. In the primitive days (4500-3300 BC) man invented the wooden wheel. It was the greatest invention of the time and would change the course of transportation. And further, after the domestication of horses, the legendary horse chariot improved the transportation of goods and people, substituting the need for hard work by a man, with that of a horse.
This is the 21st century. We’ve come a long way. The primitive man would’ve never been able to fathom the magnitude of the progress we’ve achieved. Ironically, after two or three centuries, we’ll be in the same position as the early man. We’d have so many inventions, thanks to the advent of technology, we’ll also not be able to fathom the technology and innovation that’d be common to the future generation.
The impact of technology is profound. It is helping and empowering people like never before. This year, lockdown and social distancing measures have been imposed for the safety of everyone for a pandemic that’s spawning over the world. Thanks to the technology we have, we’re able to connect with people that are far off and make sure they’re keeping in pink of health. In difficult times, like the one we’re all going through right now, technology is what is keeping us together. All this would have been unimaginable if this pandemic would’ve come 50 years ago. Thanks to all those visionaries that have given their meaningful contribution to technological advancements, that we are living a life of comfort and luxury.
Technology has revolutionized the business sector. It has benefited businesses on a large scale. Just imagine recording all transactions manually and then making the books of accounts. It’s practically impossible as there are just too many transactions. It’s tiresome and exhausting. Without soft wares like tally, companies couldn’t have ever functioned on such a large scale and would’ve never been able to diversify on this level. Every day, due to progress in technology, businesses are coming out with new techniques to improve their services and providing more value to the consumers. These days’ data plays a very important role in decisions making of corporates. Technological advancements help in accumulating data, interpreting it, and drawing conclusions out of it hence, easing the work of businesses and providing accurate solutions to problems.
But like everything has a flip side, even after being a blessing, technology somewhere also acts as a curse. We are so dependent on technology that we can’t function without it. While technology has given us a lot, many people also misuse it and exploit it. For instance, nuclear power was going to be a great source of energy and its invention was a new step in the direction of nuclear physics. But as we all know, nuclear power today is associated with weapons and bombs. It has earned a bad name even when we can harness a lot of electric power out of it that to for a pretty long duration of time and use it for the betterment of people who still don’t have access to electricity. We all know how much harm can be caused by the production of nuclear weapons. The name of nuclear bombs still to this day sends chills down the spines of residents that live in Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
Sometimes, we take this technology for granted and don’t value it. We usually tend to not value what is available ubiquitously. We’ll only value it the day it’s gone and that day would be our apocalypse. We’d barely be able to survive without it. Want to talk to someone, take your phone and call. Want cold water, open the fridge, and get it. Want to warm food up, microwave it, and on and on and on. We’ve come to such a point where our day to day life will be dysfunctional without technology. Our life would turn upside down. So one must always put technology for rational and productive work and not misuse or exploit it in any manner.
Article by: Bhargav Deo
Edited by: Aastha Soni
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