A person new to the field of programming, is always faced with a choice or more of a dilemma regarding ‘from where to start?’. In the universe of computers, coding languages are quite extensive with around 600 coding languages currently in existence, and many more coming up with every single passing day. The most popular ones are the engines that drive almost every consumer application, the most basic of the consumer electronics that we see around us, and as well as the most humongous of the industrial machinery. While starting as a newbie program developer, one has to identify which coding language to explore from amongst the immense sea of programming platforms according to one’s own needs, uses, and career goals that one has in mind. Every programming language has its own feature set and a plethora of various complexities that one needs to understand in order to use it as a tool working on its complete potential.
Here are 5 of the most popular of such coding languages used globally-
It is impossible to imagine a developer who has never used Javascript in some way or the other. Stack Overflow’s 2019 Developer Survey, ranked it as the most popular programming language for the seventh year in a row.
JavaScript is very important to front-end development and a majority of very popular websites including Facebook and Twitter rely on it to deploy interactive pages. Even though Javascript is primarily run on the browser, in 2009 cross-platform Javascript runtime Node.js enabled for building network apps of scale on the server-side. However, it has not always been times of smooth sailing for the platform. Often ridiculed and discarded by the developers in the initial days for poor design, it has now evolved into a multi-level, dynamic programming language.
Main areas of use-
Web development
Backend Development
Mobile App Development
2. Python:-
Python has seen a gradual rise in popularity over the years. Founded in 1990, nobody had thought of Python as a serious contender to overtake the other such giants in coding languages. Today, Python can be found everywhere in the field of software development. It was a side project founded by Guido van Rossum, that eventually came to known as one the most widely regarded programming languages. Programming language ranking site PYPL raked it as the number one among other languages in 2019.
Main areas of use-
Data Science
Data analytics
AI, Deep learning
3.C# :-
Created by Microsoft in 2000. Designed by Andres Hejlsberg as part of Microsoft’s Common Language Initiative (CLI) platform. Initially, it was criticized for being considered as an imitation of Java. But, later on, they diverged themselves. Today C# is regarded as a multi-paradigm language, widely used not only on the Windows platform but also on the iOS as well as Android platform. Popular ranking site TIOBE ranked it number five among other popular languages in January of 2020.
Main areas of use-
Server-side programming
App development
Game development
4. C:-
C offers lower-level access to memory and gives complete control over the available hardware. Developed by Dennis Ritchie, it was built from the ground up as a general-purpose language compiled directly to machine language. It is estimated to be founded in 1972. C is widely regarded as the most disruptive and the most influential of all the languages in history. Although, it has often been criticized for its complexity and the lack of features. C is one of the ‘Programming languages of the Language’ which means that compilers of languages such as Ruby, PHP, have been written in C. TIOBE rankings ranked it as the second most popular language in 2019.
Many areas of use-
System Programming
Game Development
Machine learning and Deep learning
5. PHP:-
Developed by Rasmus Lerdorf as a side project, it shares its similarities with Python, for it to traces its origins back to a single developer. It was founded in 1994. It was initially written as a set of Common Gateway Interface Binaries written in C to create dynamic web applications. More functionalities were gradually added to it with the passage of time. At present, it is mainly used to develop Web applications working on the server-side. Many giant companies use PHP, which eventually leads to excellent tooling support available for it. StackOverflow ranked PHP as the fifth most popular programming language in a survey conducted in 2019.
Many areas of use-
Developing CMS systems.
Server-side Web applications
Standalone Web applications
Article by: Avi Sharma
Edited by: Aastha Soni
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