Let’s stay positive & attract positive
Let’s stay positive & attract positive
Being positive is one of the most important things that we can do in our life. Whatever the situation maybe, if you always remain positive and also think in a positive way then you can come out of that situation very easily. Positive thinking is one of the important characteristics that a person should have. It has great power. If you start thinking positively then the world around you will become positive.
Rhonda Byrne, an Australian writer, and producer, explains the “law of attraction” in his famous book “The Secret” which is the best-selling book of that time. According to this law, every person attracts the same thing about which he always thinks. It means that if you think negatively then the same will happen to you i.e. if you fear anything to happen then the probability of happening that thing will increase. On the other hand, if you always think positively then also the same will happen to you i.e. if you are poor and want to be rich then one effective way of becoming rich is to assume yourself as rich. If you think so and start acting like a rich person then you can observe the difference. You will soon become rich. This happens because you had thought positive and hence attracted positive things towards yourselves.
Positive thinking helps us to be healthier, happier, and more protective. Mahatma Buddha also said that “All that we are today is the result of what we have thought. Our mind is everything. We become what we want”. Positivity means thinking in a very positive and optimistic way and always expecting good results from everything. When you become positive then you generally enjoy the present time and do not bother about the future. You will feel worry-free and refresh minded.
every day when you go to sleep, think about what happened throughout the day and try to see every event in a positive way. For example, on that day if your result has been declared and you do not get good marks, this event is really not so good but if you see the other side of this then you will find that this result will give you an opportunity to improve further. If you again think positive and take this seriously then next time when you will get your result then that result will be much better than you had expected. In this way, those events which you are now considering as bad will become good if you think about them in a positive sense.
It is quite certain that, in our mind both types of thoughts (positive and negative) are generated. And it all depends on us which thought we want to make more dominant. There are many ways to be positive such as set a goal and try to achieve that within time, do not think about anything more than what that actually is, be kind to yourself, turn failures into lessons, find positive peoples around yourself, etc. Therefore, always think positive and stay positive.
Article by:- Abhas Raj
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