PAY PER CLICK (PPC) ADVERTISING The world today is going all digital. From a pencil to a car, everything is available online. The internet has enabled us to find our quick fixes with just a click. Given the recent dreadful turns when the COVID-19 disease has put the whole world into lockdown the only convenient means to satisfy our needs is available in the digital world. Businesses especially, now more than ever are giving substantial gravity to internet marketing. A striking tool in internet marketing is PAY-PER-CLICK (PPC) ADVERTISING. You must have acknowledged that when you search for something on the internet certain links appear on top in the form of ads or you must have encountered pop-up ads while surfing the internet. That is PPC ADVERTISING. PPC Advertising is a model of internet marketing under which organizations could promote and advertise their products and services online in the form of an ad and every time their ad is clicked upon by the users they have to ...